Double Lens To Test Apple iPhone Latest

Double Lens To Test Apple iPhone Latest - The company's technology and camera lens maker based in Taiwan, Largan Technology, start submitting sample camera dual lens to Apple, (1/2/2016). The information comes from a speaker from the Apple component supply chains in China says that Apple is indeed planning on adopting a dual-lens camera for iPhone, including iPhone series ' Plus '.

Largan Technology currently has supplied over 60% of the smartphone's camera to Apple. And some industry observers believe that Apple will most likely be looking forthe supply of a dual-lens camera components from other companies, in addition to Largan Technology, in order to lower the risk of lack of supply.

Many smartphone vendor based in China such as Lenovo, ZTE and Qiku have adopted a dual-lens cameras for their smartphone products. And recently the smartphone Huawei also has adopted chip image processing of Altek, to support the use of a dual-lens camera.

With the increasing rampant use of dual-lens camera, including on the popular global smartphones like the iPhone, then market observers expect the adoption and requests from the dual-lens camera components will continue to increase.

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